What is the BBL HERO?
The BBL HERO is a non-invasive skin revitalization method using Sciton’s BBL technology to improve skin tone and treat imperfections from aging and photodamage.

Which areas can be treated?
It effectively targets the face, neck, and chest, addressing rosacea, skin redness, freckles, age spots, cherry angiomas, acne, dull complexion, and brown spots.

What does the treatment feel like?
You will feel minimal discomfort as the provider glides the BBL HERO handpiece over your skin. A sapphire cooling feature ensures comfort. Afterwards, you may feel warmth for 30 to 60 minutes.

How long does the treatment take?
Most treatments last under one hour, depending on the area being treated.

How many treatments will I need?
Visible results are often seen after just 1 to 2 sessions.

What happens after the treatment?
You can return to normal activities right away. Your skin may feel tender, and some redness or swelling may occur, but these are temporary.

When will I see results?
Revitalization will begin in the days to weeks following treatment as your skin heals and regenerates.

Will spots and redness reappear?
New spots and redness may develop with sun exposure, but they can be treated. Always use broad-spectrum sunscreen outdoors. Note that while rosacea cannot be completely cured, its appearance can be improved.

Schedule your consultation with our esthetician to find out if you are a good candidate for BBL HERO!